Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Do Guys Like Sloppy Drunks?

Fine, fine. I already know the answer to this question. I have sabotaged many potential relationships with my reckless drinking habit. It's not a problem, per se. But it's not exactly endearing, either. Luckily, I think I have enough redeeming qualities to overshadow this aspect of my lifestyle.

Anyway, last night was rather interesting. I was at a local bar with friends for "a few drinks" (read: it was ladies night and hence free alcohol) when I went outside to make a phone call. The details of what occurred next are hazy; and all that I know is what I have been told by others. One of my friends was sitting in the bar unsure of my whereabouts when she received a call from my phone. It was a cop. He had found me semi-passed out in the bushes. She thought it was a joke. He said that if she didn't come outside right that minute he was going to "take me down to the station". I apparently was saying that all cops are pussies. He wasn't amused. My friend dragged me into a cab. When we got back to my apartment, I refused to get out of the taxi because I thought it was comfortable and wanted to sleep in it. The meter was still running.

I woke up covered in mulch and it is still all over my bed.

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